本帖最后由 小钩针 于 2015-5-4 10:48 编辑
“The will to live life differently can start in some of the most unusual places. 換一種生活方式的願望,可以開始於最意想不到的地方。 This is where I come from, Todmorden. It's a market town in the north of England, 15,000 people, between Leeds and Manchester, fairly normal market town. 這是我的家鄉陶德莫登。位於英格蘭北部,人口一萬五千,在里茲和曼徹斯特之間,相當普通的一個市鎮。 It used to look like this, 這個城鎮過去是這樣, and now it's more like this, with fruit and veg and herbs sprouting up all over the place. 現在是這樣,到處種植著水果、蔬菜、草藥。 We call it propaganda gardening. Corner row railway, station car park, front of a health center, people's front gardens, and even in front of the police station. 我們稱之為宜傳式園藝。 鐵道角落、車站停車場、健康中心的門口、居民的前庭花園,連警察局門口都有。
We've got edible canal towpaths, 我們有可食用的運河船道, and we've got sprouting cemeteries. The soil is extremely good. 我們有欣欣向榮的墓地。這裡的土壤特別肥沃。 We've even invented a new form of tourism. It's called vegetable tourism, and believe it or not, people come from all over the world to poke around in our raised beds, even when there's not much growing. 我們甚至發明了一種全新的旅遊方式,叫做蔬菜旅遊。信不信由你,人們從世間各地趕來在我們的園圃見閒逛。甚至在沒有作物生長的時候也來。 But it starts a conversation. And, you know, we're not doing it because we're bored. We're doing it because we want to start a revolution. We tried to answer this simple question: Can you find a unifying language that cuts across age and income and culture that will help people themselves find a new way of living, see spaces around them differently, think about the resources they use differently, interact differently? Can we find that language? And then, can we replicate those actions? And the answer would appear to be yes, and the language would appear to be food. 但是這引發了一次討論。 大家知道,我們做這些並不是因為無聊, 而是想展開一場革命。 我們試圖回答一個簡單的問題, 你能否找到一種統一的語言,它可以跨越年齡, 收入和文化上的差異,而人們能夠通過這種語言, 找到一種新的生活方式? 用另一種眼光看待身邊的空間, 想到別出心裁的資源利用方式,以及全新的交流方式? 我們能找到這樣一種語言嗎? 是否能夠複製這些行動? 答案呼之欲出, 這種語言就是食物。 So, three and a half years ago, a few of us sat around a kitchen table and we just invented the whole thing. 三年半之前,我和幾個朋友,圍坐在廚房的桌邊, 憑空創造了所有這些東西。 We came up with a really simple game plan that we put to a public meeting. We did not consult. We did not write a report. Enough of all that. 我們在一次公眾集會上發表了一個相當簡單的遊戲計劃, 沒有諮詢專家,也沒有寫什麽報告。真是受夠這一套了。 And we said to that public meeting in Todmorden, look, let's imagine that our town is focused around three plates: a community plate, the way we live our everyday lives; a learning plate, what we teach our kids in school and what new skills we share amongst ourselves; and business, what we do with the pound in our pocket and which businesses we choose to support. 我們在那次陶德莫登的公眾集會上呼籲, 讓我們想像我們的城鎮,聚焦在三個盤子上: 一個盤子叫“社區”,是我們日常生活的方式; 一個盤子叫“學習”,是我們讓子女接受學校教育以及讓人們之間相互分享新技能; 還有一個盤子叫“生意”,是我們如何使用口袋里的英鎊,以及選擇支持哪些生意。 Now, let's imagine those plates agitated with community actions around food. If we start one of those community plates spinning, that's really great, that really starts to empower people, but if we can then spin that community plate with the learning plate, and then spin it with the business plate, we've got a real show there, we've got some action theater. We're starting to build resilience ourselves. We're starting to reinvent community ourselves, and we've done it all without a flipping strategy document. 現在,讓我們再想像一下這些盤子, 因為這些以食物為中心的社區行動而轉動起來, 如果我們轉動這些盤子的其中一個, 那就已經很不錯了,這可以促使人們開始做許多事, 不過,如果我們能讓“社區”盤子 和“學習”盤子,以及“生意”盤子一起轉起來,那就有好戲可看了。 我們開始發展自我調適的能力, 我們開始重塑社區, 做到這些可完全沒有用到什麽經營策略。 And here's the thing as well. We've not asked anybody's permission to do this, we're just doing it. And we are certainly not waiting for that check to drop through the letterbox before we start, and most importantly of all, we are not daunted by the sophisticated arguments that say, "These small actions are meaningless in the face of tomorrow's problem," because I have seen the power of small actions, and it is awesome. So, back to the public meeting. We put that proposition to the meeting, two seconds, and then the room exploded. I have never, ever experienced anything like that in my life. And it's been the same in every single room, in every town that we've ever told our story. People are ready and respond to the story of food. They want positive actions they can engage in, and in their bones, they know it's time to take personal responsibility and invest in more kindness to each other and to the environment. 還有一點很重要, 我們沒有請求任何人的批准, 就直接動手了。 我們也絕對沒有癡等著信箱里出現一張贊助支票, 才開始我們的行動; 最重要的是, 我們沒有被所謂的成熟的論據給嚇到, “這些微小的舉動對解決未來的問題毫無助益, 因為我見識過微小舉動的力量, 強大得令人肅然起敬。” 好吧,話題轉回那次公眾集會, 在我們說完自己的提案兩秒鐘后, 整個會議室陷入激烈的討論中, 我這一生中從未見過這樣的事。 每一都個城鎮,每一間會議室, 都對我們的故事產生了相同的反應, 人們已經準備好對這個食物的故事有所回應了。 他們需要能夠積極地行動, 他們從骨子裡感受到 是時候挑起肩上的責任了。 對他人、也對環境, 投入更多的善意。 And since we had that meeting three and half years ago, it's been a heck of a roller coaster. We started with a seed swap, really simple stuff, and then we took an area of land, a strip on the side of our main road, which was a dog toilet, basically, and we turned it into a really lovely herb garden. We took the corner of the car park in the station that you saw, and we made vegetable beds for everybody to share and pick from themselves. 從三年半前的那次會議開始, 已經有了翻天覆地的變化。 我們從交換種子開始,這是很簡單的事情, 我們拿出一塊地,就是主要道路邊緣的那一小條, 以前基本上就是寵物的廁所, 我們將之轉變成一個十分可愛的藥草園。 我們用車站停車場的角落, 做成了菜埔, 讓每個人都可以分享和採摘蔬菜。 We went to the doctors. We've just had a 6-million-pound health center built in Todmorden, and for some reason that I cannot comprehend, it has been surrounded by prickly plants. So we went to the doctors, said, "Would you mind us taking them up?" They said, "Absolutely fine, provided you get planning permission and you do it in Latin and you do it in triplicate," so we did ---- and now there are fruit trees and bushes and herbs and vegetables around that doctor's surgery. 我們去了診所, 陶德莫登剛剛花費六百萬英鎊建成的醫療中心, 不知是什麽原因, 已經被有刺的植物包圍起來了, 我們問那些醫生,“介不介意我們把他們拔掉?” 他們回答說“完全不介意,只要你們獲得許可證明, 要附上拉丁文版本,然後再複製三份。” 所以我們就照做了。 現在,水果樹、灌木叢、藥草和蔬菜, 都環繞在手術室周圍。 And there's been lots of other examples, like the corn that was in front of the police station, and the old people's home that we've planted it with food that they can pick and grow. But it isn't just about growing, because we all are part of this jigsaw. It's about taking those artistic people in your community and doing some fabulous designs in those raised beds to explain to people what's growing there, because there's so many people that don't really recognize a vegetable unless it's in a bit of plastic with a bit of an instruction packet on the top. So we have some people who designed these things, "If it looks like this, please don't pick it, but if it looks like this, help yourself." This is about sharing and investing in kindness. 還有很多其他的例子, 比如警察局門口種的玉米, 我們也在老人院種了菜, 他們就可以採摘并繼續種植, 但這不單純只是在種菜。 因為我們每一個人都是這個拼圖里的一塊, 這包括了調動社區里有藝術才能的人, 在苗圃里做出絕妙的設計, 來向人們解釋其間生長的東西, 因為大多數人都是五穀不分的, 除非是用袋子包裝好, 上面還印了說明表示的蔬菜。 於是有人設計了這樣的東西, “若似此貌,請勿採摘; 若為此類,請君隨意。” 這是關於分享與投入善意。 And for those people that don’t want to do either of those things, maybe they can cook, so we pick them seasonally and then we go on the street, or in the pub, or in the church, or wherever people are living their lives. This is about us going to the people and saying, "We are all part of the local food jigsaw, we are all part of a solution." 如果有人不想種菜也不願摘菜, 也許他們可以做菜, 所以我們每一季收穫後便到街上, 到酒館,到教堂, 或其他一些人們生活的地方, 我們來到人群中間,告訴他們, “我們都說當地食物拼圖的一部份, 我們都說這一解決方案的一部份。” And then, because we know we've got vegetable tourists and we love them to bits and they're absolutely fantastic, we thought, what could we do to give them an even better experience? So we invented, without asking, of course, the Incredible Edible Green Route. And this is a route of exhibition gardens, and edible towpaths, and bee-friendly sites, and the story of pollinators, and it's a route that we designed that takes people through the whole of our town, past our cafes and our small shops ,through our market, not just to and fro from the supermarket, and we're hoping that, in changing people's footfall around our town, we're also changing their behavior. 然後,我們也知道這裡已經有了“蔬菜遊客”, 我們非常喜愛他們,他們棒極了, 我們就想,如何才能讓人們有更好的體驗? 當然滅洋徵求誰的意見, 我們創造出了“可以吃的綠色路線” 這條路線包含了展示用花園, 可食用的船道、以及吸引蜜蜂, 和各種傳粉昆蟲的園藝景點,這條路線的設計, 貫穿了整個小鎮, 經過咖啡館和小商店,穿過市場, 而不僅僅是來回於超市, 我們希望藉由改變人們穿行小鎮的足跡, 我們也可以改變他們的行為。 And then there's the second plate, the learning plate. Well, we're in partnership with a high school. We've created a company. We are designing and building an aquaponics unit in some land that was spare at the back of the high school, like you do, and now we're going to be growing fish and vegetables in an orchard with bees, and the kids are helping us build that, and the kids are on the board, and because the community was really keen on working with the high school, the high school is now teaching agriculture, and because it's teaching agriculture, we started to think, how could we then get those kids that never had a qualification before in their lives but are really excited about growing, how can we give them some more experience? So we got some land that was donated by a local garden center. It was really quite muddy, but in a truly incredible way, totally voluntary-led, we have turned that into a market garden training center, and that is polytunnels and raised beds and all the things you need to get the soil under your fingers and think maybe there's a job in this for me in the future. And because we were doing that, some local academics said, "You know, we could help design a commercial horticulture course for you. There's not one that we know of." So they're doing that, and we're going to launch it later this year, and it's all an experiment, and it's all voluntary. 我們再來談談第二個盤子,“學習”盤子, 我們與一所高中合作, 開辦了一家公司, 設計並建設了一個魚菜共生單元, 就用這所高中後面的閒置土地, 我們正準備在一個有蜜蜂的果園里, 養殖魚和蔬菜, 孩子們也幫忙一起建造, 孩子們還進入了董事會, 正因為社區相當熱衷於高中合作, 高中現在開設了農事課, 正因為高中開設了農事課, 我們開始思考,如何讓這些從未有過農業技能的孩子, 能真正對農事產生興趣, 我們如何能夠給他們更多的體驗? 我們拿到一塊地, 由當地園藝中心捐贈, 相當泥濘,但正合我意, 完全由志願者主導,我們將這塊地, 改造成一個市場園藝培訓中心, 有菜棚、苗圃, 以及所有跟動手接觸土壤有關的事物, 孩子們或許會想在未來從事相關工作, 鑒於我們正在做的事,當地的一些學者找上門來說, “你知道,我們能幫助你們設計, 一個商業的園藝課程。 就我們所知還從未有過這樣的課程。” 他們已經開始著手了,我們今年稍晚就能開課, 這些完全是實用性質的, 並且是完全自願的。 And then there's the third plate, because if you walk through an edible landscape, and if you're learning new skills, and if you start to get interested in what's growing seasonally, you might just want to spend more of your own money in support of local producers, not just veg, but meat and cheese and beer and whatever else it might be. 再來就是第三個盤子, 當你走過一出可以吃的風景, 當你學習新技能, 當你開始對不同作物感到興趣, 你也許會願意多花一些錢, 來支持當地的生產者, 不僅是蔬菜,還是肉、乳酪和啤酒, 或者是別的什麽。 But then, we're just a community group, you know. We're just all volunteers. What could we actually do? So we did some really simple things. We fundraised, we got some blackboards, we put "Incredible Edible" on the top, we gave it every market trader that was selling locally, and they scribbled on what they were selling in any one week. Really popular. People congregated around it. Sales were up. 但是話說回來,我們只是一個社區團體, 我們只是些志願者,我們能做什麽? 我們做了一些非常簡單的事情, 我們舉行了募捐, 我們在幾塊黑板頂端寫下“可以吃的驚奇”, 把它們發放給當地市場上的商人, 寫上每週販賣的商品, 這真的非常受歡迎!大家聚集在一起, 銷量也節節上升。 And then, we had a chat with the farmers, and we said, "We're really serious about this," but they didn't actually believe us, so we thought, okay, what should we do? I know. If we can create a campaign around one product and show them there is local loyalty to that product, maybe they'll change their mind and see we're serious. So we launched a campaign -- because it just amuses me -- called Every Egg Matters. And what we did was we put people on our egg map. 我們隨後與農民交流,對他們說, “我們是認真的” 但他們不太相信,於是我們想, 好吧,該怎麼做? 我知道如何我們能針對某個產品做活動, 向他們展示當地人對這種產品的忠誠度, 也許他們就能改變主意相信我們了, 於是我們進行了一項活動,名字很搞笑, 叫做“每顆雞蛋都很重要” 我們做了一張雞蛋地圖。 It's a stylized map of Togmorden. Anybody that's selling their excess eggs at the garden gate, perfectly legally, to their neighbors, we've stuck on there. We started with four, and we've now got 64 on, and the result of that was that people were then going into shops asking for a local Todmorden egg, and the result of that was, some farmers upped the amount of flocks they got of free range birds, and then they went on to meat birds, and although these are really, really small steps, that increasing local economic confidence is starting to play out in a number of ways, and we now have farmers doing cheese and they've upped their flocks and rare breed pigs, they're doing pasties and pies and things that they would have never done before. 這是一張陶德莫登風格的地圖, 畫著每一個銷售自家多餘雞蛋的人, 他們在花園門口合法銷售給鄰居, 我們標注出他們的位置。一開始是四個, 現在有64個, 結果就有很多人來到店裡, 要買陶德莫登雞蛋, 從而是農民大幅增加了放養雞的數量, 不久後也增加了肉雞的數量, 儘管這些都是很小很小的進展, 但是當地經濟信心的增長, 逐漸開始表現在不同的方面, 農民們開始做奶酪, 他們增加了畜牧的數量,加養了稀有品種的豬, 他們開始做餡餅和派, 以及一些之前從沒做過的事。 We've got increasing market stalls selling local food, and in a survey that local students did for us, 49 percent of all food traders in that town said that their bottom line had increased because of what we were actually doing. And we're just volunteers and it's only an experiment. 販賣當地食品的攤位增加了, 在當地學生做的一個調查中, 49%的食品商人提到, 這些新措舉使他們的利潤增加了, 而我們不過是一些志願者做了一個實驗擺了。 Now, none of this is rocket science. It certainly is not clever, and it's not original. But it is joined up, and it is inclusive. This is not a movement for those people that are going to sort themselves out anyway. This is a movement for everyone. We have a motto: If you eat, you're in. 我們做的都不是什麽複雜的事, 算不上多高明,也不是什麽獨創, 但它綜合了很多東西,且具有包容性, 這可不是讓人們, 搶風頭的一個運動。 而是重在人人參與, 我們有個口號:只要你吃飯,你就是我們的一員。 Across age, across income, across culture. It's been really quite a roller coaster experience, but going back to that first question that we asked, is it replicable? Yeah. It most certainly is replicable. More than 30 towns in England now are spinning the Incredible Edible plate. Whichever way they want to do it, of their own volition, they're trying to make their own lives differently, and worldwide, we've got communities across America and Japan -- it's incredible, isn't it? I mean, America and Japan and New Zealand. 跨越年齡隔閡,跨越收入差距,跨越文化差異, 這是一次振奮人心的體驗, 回到我們之前提出的第一個問題, 這是可複製的嗎?是的,它當然是可複製的。 英國目前有30多個小鎮, 在進行“可以吃的驚奇”運動, 無論他們選擇怎樣的形式, 都是在試著讓生活過得與眾不同。 在世界上,美國和日本都建立了這樣的社區, 這真美妙啊,是不是? 美國、日本、紐西蘭。 People after the earthquake in New Zealand visited us in order to incorporate some of this public spiritedness around local growing into the heart of Christchurch. 紐西蘭人在大地震後拜訪了我們, 爲了把這個圍繞在地種植而產生的公眾意識, 融入到基督城的建設理念里。 And none of this takes more money and none of this demands a bureaucracy, but it does demand that you think things differently and you are prepared to bend budgets and work programs in order to create that supportive framework that communities can bounce off. And there's some great ideas already in our patch. Our local authority has decided to make everywhere Incredible Edible, and in support of that have decided to do two things. 這些都不需要大筆投資, 也不需要官僚, 但需要思維和觀念的轉變, 你要準備好調整預算和工作計劃, 從而創造一個社區可以從中運作的, 支持性工作環境。 我們已經有了一些絕妙的想法, 當地政府已經決定要讓各個角落都成為 “可以吃的驚奇”行動的一部份, 並且要展開兩項支持性行動。 First, they're going to create an asset register of spare land that they've got, put it in a food bank so that communities can use that wherever they live, and they're going to underpin that with a license. And then they've said to every single one of their workforce, if you can, help those communities grow, and help them to maintain their spaces. Suddenly, we're seeing actions on the ground from local government. We're seeing this mainstreamed. We are responding creatively at last to what Rio demanded of us, and there's lots more you could do. I mean, just to list a few. One, please stop putting prickly plants around public buildings. It's a waste of space. 首先,他們打算進行閒置土地資產登記, 計入食物銀行的資產, 讓社區可以自由使用, 并通過發放許可證來鞏固這項措舉. 再者,他們對所有的公務員說, 希望他們經其所能去幫助發展這些社區, 幫助人們保留這些空間。 一夜之間,我們看到了當地政府的實際行動, 我們看到了這些(自發的行動)成為了主流, 我們對里約《國際環境公約》做出了創意的回應, 大家還有更多的事情可以做, 比如說,第一, 請停止在公共建築周圍種植帶刺植物,這是對空間的浪費。 Secondly, please create -- please, please create edible landscapes so that our children start to walk past their food day in, day out, on our high streets, in our parks, wherever that might be. Inspire local planners to put the food sites at the heart of the town and the city plan, not relegate them to the edges of the settlements that nobody can see. Encourage all our schools to take this seriously. This isn't a second class exercise. If we want to inspire the farmers of tomorrow, then please let us say to every school, create a sense of purpose around the importance to the environment, local food and soils. Put that at the heart of your school culture, and you will create a different generation. There are so many things you can do, but ultimately this is about something really simple. 還有,請一定一定, 要創造可以吃的風景,這樣我們的孩子 每天都能經過自己的盤中餐,可能是在街上, 或是在公園里,隨處可見, 激勵市鎮規劃者,把生態菜園放在 市鎮的中心地帶, 而非把它們放在沒人能注意到的邊緣地帶。 鼓勵學校認真對待相關課程, 而不是可有可無的課後實習, 如果我們想啟迪出未來的農民, 那麼就請在每一所學校, 創造出一種意識,能真正意識到, 環境、當地食品和土壤的重要性, 讓它成為學校文化的核心, 這樣就能培養出全新的一代。 有許許多多每個人力所能及的事, 都其實是些十分簡單的行為。 Through an organic process, through an increasing recognition of the power of small actions, we are starting, at last, to believe in ourselves again, and to believe in our capacity, each and every one of us, to build a different and a kinder future, and in my book, that's incredible. Thank you. 透過一個有機的過程, 透過逐漸認可每一個微小行動的力量, 我們最終能夠重新相信自己, 相信自己的能力,每一個人都能夠 創造出一個不一樣的,更友善的未來, 在我的書中寫了,這才是真正美妙的事, 謝謝。” ——Pam Warhurst