Faculty of Pharmacy Multi Fruit liquid Fermented 2 yearsreports, for summery To present as a topic ofresearch on wound healing Present to Dr.Chaiwat Chaiyasut by Miss Rosukon Poompanvong Year, 2005 Multi – Fruit Enzyme For Healing Wounded,Internal and External used | | | | | | | | 1,370 | | | | 1,370 | | | | 1,370 | | | | 1,370 | | | | 1,370 | | | | 1,370 | | | | 1,370 | | | | 1,370 | | | | 1,370 | | | | 1,370 | | | | 1,370 | | | | 1,370 | | | | 1,370 | | | | | 1) Airthight – Plastic Bottle * 1 Year * and the 2nd Change to new plastic Bottle added 10 % honey (dehydration 80 %) 2) Because, the Plastic should not be used longer than one year. |
**The2 nd year** Check the quality on pH,Conductivity. Synonyms SelectedVernacular names Description Plantmaterial of interest ; Fresh, Peel (Generalappearance) Organoleptic properties Mild Aromatic OdourNative Fresh smell Initiallysweet, Sour, taste (100%) MicroscopicCharacteristics. A description of the microscopicCharacteristics of Cross-Section of the aerial parts of the Fruit is Currentlyunavailable. Geographicaldistribution 100 % Fruit is native in SouthEast Asia, Asia Mostly – in India, South China, Afarica, and West Indian. (หาเพิ่มเติม) Generalidentity tests. Macroscopic examination and Thin-layerChromatography and high performance liquid Chromatography of the lipophilicConstituents and chicoric â in methanol extracts. PurityTests, Microbiology - TheTest for Salmonella spp. In Multi-Fruit Enzyme. -TheMaximum acceptable limits of other micro – organisms are as follows - Forpreparation of decoction : aerobic bacteria not more than 107 /g ; Escherichia coli-not more than 102/g,fungi – not more than 105/g -Preparations for internal use : aerobic bacteria not more than 105/gor ml; -fungi– not more than 104/g or ml; -enterobacteria and certain Gram-negative bacteria not more than 103/gor ml; fungi –not more than 102/gor ml; -Escherichiacoli-o/g or ml. -Preparationfor external use; -aerobicbacteria not more than 102/g or ml; Pesticideresidues To be established in accordance withnational requirements. Normally, The maximum residue limit of aldrin anddieldrin in Fruit is not more than 0.05 mg/kg for other pesticides, WHO guidelines onQuality control methods for medicinal plants(4) and guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues (5) Heavy metals. Recommended lead and cadmium levels are no more than 10 and 0.3 mg/kg,respectively, in the final dosage form of the plant material
Radio-activeresidues For analysis of strontium-90, iodine 131, caesium -134, caesium -137, and plutonium -239, see WHOguidelines on quality control methods for medicinal plants Otherpurity tests Chemical tests and tests for acid –insoluble ash dilute ethanal – solubleextractive, foreign organic matter, moisture, Total ash, and water – solubleextractive to be established in accordance with national requirements. Chemicalassays. 1. For essential oil (0.08-0.32 %) ; Chicoric â (1.2-3.1%) Quantitative analysis of Multi-Fruit Enzyme, Chicoric â, isobutylamides, and other Constituents by high 2. performance liquid chromatography 3. Quantitative analysis of alkamides and caffeic â derivatives byThin – layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography. MajorChemical Constituents A number of chemical entities have beenidentified, including alkamides, polyalkenes, polyalkynes, caffeic â derivatives,and polysaccharides The Volatile oil contains, among otherCompounds, borneol, bornyl acetate, pentadeca-8-(2-en-2-one, germacrene D, caryophyllene,and caryophyllene epoxide. Isobytylamides of C11-C10straight-Chain fatty acids with olefinic or acetylenic bonds (or both) are found in the multi fruit liquid, with the isomeric dodeca (2E, 4E, 82, 10E/z) – tetraenoic acid isobutylamindes The caffeic acid ester derivative chicoricacid is the major active compound of this class found in the MultiFruit liquid,with a concentration range of 1.2-3.1 % Chicoric acid methyl ester and otherderivatives are also present. Polysaccharide constituents from MultiFruit liquid are two types : a heteroxylan of average relative molecular massabout 3,500 (e.g. PS-I), and anarabinorhamnogalactan of average relative molecular mass about 45,000(e.g.PS-II) Other Constituents include trace amounts ofpyrolizidine alkaloids (tussilagine 0.006 %) and isotussilagine). At these concentrations, the alkaloids areConsidered to be non toxic. Furthermore, because these alkaloids lackthe 1,2 – unsaturated necine ring of alkaloids such as senecionine (Structure in Box) they are considered to benon – hepatotoxic, Structure of representative Constituents are presented below. file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.jpg Dosageforms. MultiFruit liquid : preparations there of for internals and external use. Medicinaluses. Used Supported by Clinical data. Multi Fruit liquid is administered orallyin supportive therapy for colds and infections of the respiratory and urinarytract. Beneficial effect is the treatment of theseinfections are generally thought to be brought about by stimulation of theimmune response. External uses include promotion of wound healing and treatmentof inflammatory skin conditions Uses described in folk medicine, notsupported by experimental or chemical data. Other medical uses claimed for Multi Fruitliquid include treatment of yeast infections, side – effects of radiationTherapy, rheumatoid arthritis, blood poisoning, and food poisoning. Pharmacology. Experimentalpharmacology Current Claims of the effectiveness ofMulti Fruit liquid as a stimulator of the immune system are based on numerousscientific studies. The immuno stimulant effect is brought about by threemechanisms : activation of phagocytosis and stimulation of fibroblasts ;increasing respiratory activity ; and increased mobility of the leukocytes. Phagocyticactivity of standardized extract of the MutiFruit liquid has been determined. A lyophylisate of Multi Fruit Liquid significantlyincreased the percentage of phagocytizing human gramulocytes and stimulated thephagocytossis of yeast particles in vitro. Inhibition of the activity of theadrenal cortex, stimulation of the production of properdin (a serum proteinwhich can neutralize bacteria and viruses), and stimulation of interferonproduction have also been reported after multiFruit liquid treatment. The pharmacological activity of Multi Fruitliquid has been attribute to five component fraction in addition to theessential oil, namely the alkylamidles, caffeic â derivatives, polyalkynes, polyalkenes, andpolysaccharides. The lipophilic amides, alkamides, andcaffeic â derivatives uppear to contribute to the immunostimulant activity ofthe alcoholic MultiFruit liquid extracts by stimulating phagocytosis ofpolymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes. High molecular weight polysaccharides,including heteroxylan, which activates phacgocytosis, and arabinogalactan,which promotes the release of tumournecrosis factor and the production of interleukin -1 and interferon beta, havealso been implicated in the activity of the Multi Fruit liquid when takenorally. The overall immuno stimulant activity of the alcoholic and appears todepend on the combined effects of several constituents. Topical applications of MultiFurit liquid have been traditionally used to promotewound healing. The first published work on the mechanism of this action was byHealth Farm, Rayong, Thailand. Dr. Rosukon Poompanvong,who investigated the effect of MultiFruit liquid on strepto cocal and tissuehyaluronidase. Inhibition of tissue and bacterial hyaluronidase is thaught tolocalize the infeetion and prevent the spread of causative agents to otherparts of the body. In addition to the direct antihyaluronidase activity, anindirect effect on the hyaluronic acid-hyaluronidase system has been reported. Stimulation of new tissue production byincreasing fibroblast activity, and stimulation of both blood and tissueproduced phagocytosis, appear to be involed in this mechanism. The polysaccharide fraction appears topromote wound healing by forming a hyaluronic acid – polysaccharide complexthat indirectly leads to the inhibition of hyaluronidase. In invitro experiments, an ethanol extract (65%) by volume of Multi Fruitliquid fermented (2 Yrs.) inhibited the Concentration of collagen by mousefibroblasts, measured by the collagen lattice diameter. Mouse macrophages pretreated withpolysaccharides that were isolated from the supermatant of Multi Fruit liquidFermented (2 yrs.) increased production of tumour necrosis fact of alpha,interleukin-1, and interferon beta -2 and increased cytotoxicity against tumourcells and micro-organisms (Leishmania enreitii) Purified palysaccharides isolated Multi Fruit liquid fermented (2 yrs.) enhancedthe spontaneous motility of humanpolymorphonuclear leukocytes under soft agar and increased the ability of thesecells to kill Staphylococcusaureus. Human monocytes were activated to secretetumour necrosis factor alpha, interleukin 1, and interleukin -6 while theexpression of class 11 human leukocyte antigens was unaffected. Forpurified caffeic acid derivatives, antiviral activities have been demonstrated. Incubation of vesicular stomatitis virus(VSV) with 125 µg/ml of chicoric acid for 4 hours reduced the number of viralparticles in mouse L-929 murine cells by more than 50 % Clinicalpharmacology Recently 6 controlled clinical trials weresystematically reviewed at health farm Trials studied the prophylaxis orcurative treatment of infections, four trial studied the reduction of sideeffects of chemotherapy, and three investigated the modulation of specificimmune parameters. The reviews concluded that MultiFruitliquid fermented (2 Yrs.) are efficacious immunomodulators. However, it also concluded that there wasin sufficient evidence for clear therapeutic recommendations as to whichpreparation or dosage to use for a specific indication. A large – scale longitudinal trial (500 patients) studied the effects of anointment Containing a lyophylisate. The ointment was used to treat inflammatoryskin conditions, wounds,czema, burns, herpes simplex, and varicose ulcerationsof the legs. The Therapeutic benefit from the ointmentwas observed in 85.5 % of the cases. The treatment periods ranged from 7 to 15 days. Contraindications External use – Beaware when open thebottle of Muti Fruit liquid fermented for 2 yrs. There is explosion andcould hit the body, So ! has to removethe cover in the horizontal layer. Harmlessto any allergic. Internaluse. should not be used in the seriousconditions such as of AIDS, HIV infection, collagenosis multi – sclerosis, andautoimmune disorder. Warning Noinformation available. PrecautionsGeneral Has to use it with continuiously about 7weeks and once a week until the symptom has recovered. Carcinogenesis,mutagenesis, impairment of fertility. Mutagenicity and carcino genicity testresults were negative. Doses up to a polysaccharide Concentration of 500 mg/mlcaused no incrase in sister chromatid exchange or structural chromosomeaberrations. Pregnancy: teratogenic effects There are no reliable studies on thissubject. Therefore, administration of the drug during pregnancy is notrecommended. Paediatricuse Oral administration of Multi Fruit liquidfermented (2years) is recommended for justborn, by drop direct, when they are any small children and on the advice ofphysician and be used for external treatment. Otherprecaution No information available concerning drug interactions,drug and laboratory test interactions, or non – teratogenic effects onpregnancy. Adversereactions. Occasionally, has some inflammatory becauseof the healing period and must to continuing until the symptom gradullarybetter and healed, not longer than 2-3 days after the inflammatory react. Posology,(quantities) Oral daily dosage, not more than 100 cc.per hour, Harmless on administration after healed, and could be used ashomecare in emergency of accidented.